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Automotive Crimes on the Rise

Posted by Jake Laino on Jan 28, 2021 8:13:28 AM

Over the last year, we have noticed a frightening trend in the auto repair industry. The number of recovered stolen vehicles, attempted thefts, auto parts theft, and vehicle break-in vandalism claims have been on a constant and steady increase. Auto-related crimes have been on the rise in the Denver Metro area for years; however, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an alarming spike in the last 12 months. With more people working from home and vehicles sitting for longer periods of time than usual, car thieves and vandals have easy targets all over the Denver Metro area.

In the quarter measuring July to September of 2020, there was an average of 63 car thefts per day in Metro Denver, almost double the 35 car thefts per day in the same time span in 2019. An 80% increase from the past year! As of this past November, over 7000 car thefts were reported in the City of Denver alone. Of these vehicles stolen, Metro Law Enforcement Agencies recovered 72% of stolen vehicles within 30 days of the reported theft. But these vehicles that are recovered are often damaged, vandalized, and contaminated with chemicals related to drug use, thereby requiring repairs and extensive interior cleaning.

Some vehicles may be more vulnerable than others. Specifically, older models from the 1990's to the early 2000s because of their lack of modern anti-theft features like immobilizer anti-theft chips and high-security ignition lock cylinders. Some modern vehicles are more vulnerable as well, specifically Hyundai and Kia, who do not use immobilizer transponders in their ignition locks. In fact, Kia's and Hyundai's are so frequently targeted there is now a parts shortage for door lock cylinders and ignition locks for certain models.

There are measures you can take to prevent your car from being targeted. First, always make sure all valuables are removed from your vehicle when parking it overnight. Club style steering wheel locks can help deter thieves from targeting your vehicle as well. If possible, park your vehicle in a well-lit area, ideally an area that is visible from your residence. Finally, aftermarket car alarms are available for all models, can be installed by professional vehicle upfitters, and cost anywhere from $150 to $500 for most vehicles. Most importantly, remain diligent and safe.

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