Squirrel Eating Your Car Wiring!
We had a car in the shop that was towed in due to overheating. We discovered an animal had chewed up the wiring in the right front corner of the engine compartment, including the wiring to the auxiliary coolant pump. In addition the wiring for the air bag, ABS brakes, fog light and mass air flow sensor were chewed, damaged and broken.

I was intrigued. So I decided to do some research on why animals eat wiring and how to prevent it. I found out that the most common wire eaters are squirrels and they're probably not eating the wiring but just chewing on them because they need to keep their teeth trimmed.
They must also enjoy the underhood solitude because they tend to return again to cause damage.
There are a number of articles written about how to keep rodents out of your vehicle floating around on the internet but if this does happen and you carry full auto insurance coverage the comprehensive portion will usually cover this type of damage.
Something to chew on.